Thursday, December 20, 2007

Submission starts now

If I ever become a wife, I know that according to God's perfect commands, I must submit to my husband. It's a perfect plan, but I've heard that it's harder than one might think! Sure, submission is easy when the husband's telling the wife to do something that she wanted to do anyway. But her submission is truly tested when she has to submit her will when she actually had something else in mind. Definitely a growing experience.

Since I'm not married, I'm off the hook, right? I'm free, with nobody to submit to? Not quite! For one thing, we always must submit to God. But in this period (whether it be temporary or permanent) of singlenss, I need to "practice" submitting to the authorities that God has placed in my life.

For me, that is primarily my mother. I am a grown woman, I have a good job and pay for my own expenses, and I even pay rent to her (to cover the expenses that I create and to contribute to the household income). Many would say that I have "earned" the right to do whatever I want.

But that is not what God would say! First of all, He has commanded us to honor our parents. Also, my mother does not ask much of me. She totally respects my adult status and does not treat me like a child at all. She is also very selfless; when my job keeps me busy with preparing/grading/going to events/etc., she takes care of things around the house so that I can get my work done. She really is the sweetest thing!

When there is something that she wants from me, I really should do it. First of all, it is only right that I contribute to the household chores at least as much as she does, if not more. It would be highly immature, to say the least, if I were to say "I'm old enough to do my own thing" and then go off while she cleans up messes that I helped make. So to not help her when she asks, or to not respect her opinions, would be highly disrespectful and unappreciative.

Aside from submitting when she asks me to do a certain task, I also need to submit to her wishes in other areas. If there were a guy that she did not think I should date, for example, I would definitely not date him. God has given us authority as our protection, and I would be foolish to step out from under that umbrella.

Another aspect of submission is submitting to what you know the other person wishes, even if the person has not actually verbally stated the request. I need to anticipate what she wants me to do so that she does not feel the need to ask me over and over, or even at all.

So to "practice" submitting to my future husband, I have been working on submitting to my mother. I have really become conscious of how lazy and selfish I really am! For example, tonight she and I were cleaning up the kitchen. I was washing dishes, and there was one big pot left to wash. I was not in the mood to wash it, and I took a break from cleaning for a few minutes. Now, I know that she does not like seeing a mess in the kitchen. I know that if I do not do my part, she will clean it just to get it done. However, I still walked away and took a break before I was done. When I came back, she had washed the pot. I should have done that! She is so much older and has a bad back; why should she have had to lift and deal with that big, heavy thing? I had not disobeyed something that she had said; however, I was selfish and did not submit to the wish that I know that she had. To avoid nagging me, she just did it herself.

Whan an unprofitable wife I would be if I did that sort of thing to my husband. I do realize that the mother/daughter relationship is not the same as the husband/wife relationship, but my selfishness is selfishness no matter what.

Here are some points that I have been learning about submission:

1. Submission is not easy, because I am selfish. I must ask God to help me get the victory over my selfishness and laziness now, so that if I ever become a wife, I will not have to learn my lesson at my husband's expense.

2. Submission goes beyond obedience. For example, I must strive to have the correct willing and joyful spirit while submitting.

3. I need to submit without having to be told to. If I know my husband likes to have dinner ready when he comes home from work, I need to do that every day without his calling home to remind me in the middle of the day.

4. Submission is something that we must think about constantly, because it does not come naturally! I have to work on thinking, What would help her right now? Is seeing me sitting here reading a book going to annoy her, because she is doing housework? and then make the decision to get up and spend my time doing whatever would please her, not what would please me. Always be thinking about what the other person would like.

5. Don't do things that you know the other person doesn't like. For example, I am going to finish this post now, because it is late, and I know that she prefers for me to not stay up until all hours so that I am wiped out the next day. I'm going to listen to my own advice and submit! :-D

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mary, Did You Know?

I love this song! The first time I heard it, I was so moved. Our Almighty God came to earth for us! What love. It is overwhelming!

Does anyone know of a good version of this song? I have yet to find a recording that truly does it justice. I do not like a contemporary sound -- the version in the video below is much more contemporary than I would like, although I like the combination with the video. If you can recommend a good recording, I would definitely be interested!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Say "Christmas," please! :)

I got this poem from Cherish the Home. Let's not let them take away our religious freedom -- specifically, right now our freedom to use words that mention God! Let's set the example of acknowledging God during the Christmas season -- after all, that's Who it's all about.

Twas the month before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying
Nor taking a stand.

Why the Politically Correct Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.

The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.

It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a "Holiday."

Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks, and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor, just to get it!

As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's, the word Christmas was nowhere to be found.

At K-Mart and Staples and Penney's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.

Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me.

Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!

At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.

And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace.

The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.

So as you celebrate "Winter Break" under your "Dream Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.

Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Works for Me Wednesday: Slow-cooker recipes - what a find!

This week's Works for Me Wednesday theme is food that can be whipped up fast. My post does require planning ahead, but when you come home and want food NOW, this is perfect.

I struggle to find good slow-cooker recipes. On more than one occasion, I have spent a great deal of time looking through all of the slow-cooker cookbooks at Barnes & Noble, trying to pick out one that looks inspiring. Although many look impressive, the recipes are not dishes that I would ever actually want to make. I did get one, eventually, that I sort of liked; but still, it's not the panacea that I was looking for to solve all of my cooking dilemmas.

Of course, the crock pot would be ideal for someone in my situation: be at work all day, and then come home to a delicious feast! We usually do not cook too many elaborate meals because we get off work around dinner time and are hungry NOW. We do eat good, healthy food, but nothing that takes longer than 30-40 minutes to make, usually. But I LOVE to cook delicious food.

There was a commercial for crock pots on during Iron Chef America, and it mentioned that there are recipes on the Crock-Pot web site. Wow, why didn't I think of that? There are a TON of great-looking recipes on that site! I can't wait to try some!

For more Works for Me Wednesday, click here.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

A valuable lesson: be a cheerful giver

What a busy weekend this has been! With Christmas Break coming soon, my duties as a teacher have accelerated as I try to finish strong.

I do love being a teacher. I love my students, my colleagues, and the subject that I teach. However, it is the kind of job that you are always doing -- when I'm not in the classroom, I am either tutoring students, preparing lessons, grading papers, or feeling guilty for getting behind on those things. This weekend has been no exception.

Some of my weekend has been taken up with homemaking things, though. We worked a lot on cleaning the house and putting up Christmas decorations in preparation for a church party that will be held here soon. It is so much more fun to decorate when there are actually going to be some people coming to enjoy it with us!

The Lord has been gracious to remind me of some important truths this weekend. When I feel this swamped, I am tempted to despair, feeling that I am "stuck" in this crazy, hectic lifestyle. (If only I didn't have so much grading to do; I could have been such a bigger help in the Christmas preparations!) Times like these are when I really pray for a husband, honestly more because I desire to be rescued than for any actual godly reason! I was kind of feeling mopey, worrying about how I can possibly find time to serve God when I am so busy with work.

But through a message given this weekend, the Lord reminded me that HE, the Master, is Who chooses how I serve. It is not for the servant to inform her master what impressive task she has chosen to do for Him today.

My Master has chosen to have me serve, at least for now, in a Christian ministry. If we are so short on personnel that I have to be this busy, then I should be delighted to pitch in and work as hard as I can for His glory and help to meet this need. God is not glorified by my grumbling, half-hearted service: He loves a cheerful giver.

Praise God for reminding me that I need to rejoice in the fact that He has so clearly placed me in the position that He wants me in. Although I do not always understand why, this is the corner that God has assigned me to brighten.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Welcome to How to Serve

Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.

Welcome to my blog. I will start by telling you a little about myself.

My life’s goal has always been to serve my Savior. If you want to know God’s will for your life, follow His commands daily, and trust in Him, and He has promised to direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5, 6).

I grew up in a Christian home and went to an excellent Christian school for my whole life. After that, I went to a safe, conservative Christian college, which I loved. There were a few guys that I dated a little in college (nothing serious), but none of them was the one that God had for me.

Going to a Christian college was a wonderful experience. It was nothing like a secular university. The campus was safe, the peer pressure was to do right, the academic standard was high, all of my teachers glorified God in what they taught, and overall I felt that every influence was there to encourage me to do what God would have me to do. I really wonder why more people do not go to Christian colleges!

After college, God clearly led me to stay at the Christian college to get my master’s degree. After grad school, I was offered a wonderful teaching job, something that I would never have dreamed that I would be doing. It was amazing how God worked it all out: I am able to teach a subject that I love, work in a Christian ministry that is doing great things for God, get paid rather well, and still live at home with my family! On top of all that, my students are the best students ever: they are training to serve God, and I am honored to have a part in that.

I have a career that some only dream of. However, my true desire is to be a godly wife and mother, focused on serving God by serving my family. The instructions that God has given to women relate to her position within the home: submitting to her husband, training her children, managing the household.

I adore those things. I could spend all day in the kitchen and be happy! But God has not seen fit to give me a husband so far. How can I serve God by being a wife and a mother if I am not a wife or a mother? Many women in my position do one of two things. Some mope and pine away for a man, making themselves desperate, pitiful creatures that no self-respecting man would want. Others immerse themselves in the career world, climbing the ladder of success and creating a life that has no room for a family. Neither of these seems glorifying to God!! (By the way, staying at home and serving right now is not an option, because my father is not not in the picture. Both my mother and I have to work.)

So what’s a girl to do? What is the best way for me to serve God, trying to observe the directions that He has given to women, without being married? This blog will explore this issue as I continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s leading day by day.

Here are a few of the issues that I may discuss:
1. Do Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 apply to unmarried women? How?
2. What kind of example can I set for younger girls who are still forming their hopes for the future?
3. What can I do to prepare to be a godly wife and mother, if the Lord ever leads me in that direction?
4. Since there is no guarantee of a future marriage, what steps should I take as a single? How can I live a full life as a single while still preparing to be the best wife that I can be?
5. How can I keep my focus on service instead of my career?
6. Since my career is a ministry, how can I use my daily tasks to serve God?
7. What is / is not appropriate for an unmarried woman to do?
8. How can an unmarried lady keep from becoming discouraged and lonely?

Thank you for joining me. I would love to hear your comments, encouragement, advice, and edification.

Remember: whether or not God has made the choice that we think we would have chosen, His way is always best, and He is always good!