Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mary, Did You Know?

I love this song! The first time I heard it, I was so moved. Our Almighty God came to earth for us! What love. It is overwhelming!

Does anyone know of a good version of this song? I have yet to find a recording that truly does it justice. I do not like a contemporary sound -- the version in the video below is much more contemporary than I would like, although I like the combination with the video. If you can recommend a good recording, I would definitely be interested!

Merry Christmas!


Amy said...

Great video. That is one of my favorite Christmas songs of all time. To think of all the things Jesus did in His ministry... all the way to the cross, all while picturing Him as that sweet newborn baby in the manger...Mary's little boy.

I came here to answer your question about the yahoo avatar and what a treat I got in return! (Except now I'm crying, lol)

Ok. Yahoo - I'm assuming you already have the avatar made? When you log in to your yahoo there is a little link at the top that takes you to the page where you can preview and edit your avatar. when you get there, there are several tabs across the top of the page: Home, Appearance, Apparel....etc. Click "Home".

In a blue box on the right titled "Yahoo! Avatars", listed 4th is "Export". Click that and it will give you the HTML code for when you "add elements" to your blog's layout.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Kind of embarassed about that! I hope I answered your question, without going on and on and giving too much info! :)

Miss Julianne said...

Thank you so much for your help, Amy! It worked perfectly! I really appreciate your taking the time to help me out.

Brenda said...

I have to go with Mark Lowery's version--he wrote the song!